Thursday 23 October 2014

Hippo CMS Forms

As part of migrating a website application that has been continuously growing for the last 12 years over to a new CMS platform, it was necessary to understand how forms could be implemented using Hippo CMS.

After downloading the community edition of Hippo and working through the developer trail and reference documentation, there wasn't any clear example of how a form could be implemented. This post provides details of the proof-of-concept work carried out in developing a website form using registration as an example.

The existing website application provides a registration process that allows users to register with the site and also captures some additional information through a survey. The registration process is therefore spread over multiple pages.

Hippo CMS Forms
The above diagram shows how  the CMS repository is configured for the registration process. When a request for registration comes in, it will be matched to the register.html sitemap item. This is configured with the component hst:pages/register. This component reuses the hst:pages/standard component for the general page layout and provides the specific contents through its child body component. The body component shows how by specifying the SpringBridgeHstComponent as the componentclassname and the spring bean id (enrolmentComponent) as the parameter value for the spring-delegated-bean parameter name, we can define the component controller classes using Spring configuration and leverage its dependency injection functionality. The register/body node is also specifies a redirect-page parameter with 'survey' as its value. This parameter will be made available to the Spring configured enrolmentComponent to indicate which page the user should be redirected to after the form has been submitted.

Form Processing EnrolmentComponent
The above code extract shows the doAction method for the EnrolmentComponent. It shows how a list of the fieldnames is constructed and passed to the constructor of the Hippo FormMap object. At this point, the form would be used to construct an object that would be passed to the enrolment service via the Spring injected ServiceFacade. However, for the sake of simplicity and to serve as a PoC a previously generated identifier is used to retrieve existing enrolment details. The submitted form is then temporarily persisted in the repository for retrieval by the SurveyComponent and the configured redirect-page parameter is retrieved and used to redirect the response. By passing a StoreFormResult instance when persisting the form, we are able to retrieve the UUID to send back in the response. The UUID identifies the node where the form is stored in the repository.

The code below shows how the SurveyComponent then retrieves the form from the repository ready to be used as required.

As can be seen the UUID is extracted from the request and then used to populate a FormMap instance using the form data stored in the repository.

The above demonstrates how a website form can be developed using Hippo. It doesn't demonstrate error handling but its obvious how easily that can be implemented.

The above solution is very specific and doesn't allow for a generic form processing component that could be reused in different contexts. With this in mind the Hippo developer community provides the 'easyforms' plugin that makes it very easy to create forms using drag and drop widgets. This will be investigated in an upcoming post.

Hippo CMS

On a current project, my team are involved in the replacement of an old content management system (CMS) with one that can serve multiple channels and allow business users to update the website without intervention from developers. After reviewing a number of CMS products, we decided to settle on Hippo. It's open source, JCR-283 compliant, well designed with an intuitive UI and was better aligned with the technology stack in use.

To build a website with Hippo it is important to understand the underlying architecture and model. The Hippo developer trails and documentation provide a good reference and is used to present the summary below.

A Hippo CMS implementation is deployed as two Java web-applications. The Hippo CMS web application (cms.war) is the authoring tool used to create and edit content. The Hippo delivery tier-based (HST) site web application (site.war) is the end-user website.

Developing a website with the delivery tier (HST) is based on the Hierarchical MVC architectural pattern that allows a hierarchical structure of content and for content to be reused across multiple pages. The content stored in the repository and accessed using HST Content Beans represents the model. Java classes providing HST components encapsulate the controller and JSP or Freemarker templates are responsible for the view.

The configuration that connects the model, controllers and views is also stored in the repository under the /hst:hst node. The /hst:hst node stores all the configuration required for the website and processing of requests such as hosts, sites, channels and URLs.

Once a request has been matched to a host, site and channel it is further matched against the sitemap that contains a number of hst:sitemapitem nodes. We can think of the sitemapitem as representing the URL to a webpage. The sitemapitem references a HMVC root hst:component node typically under /hst:pages. This hst:component node can contain child hst:component nodes to provide the composite structure of a page. The hst:component node references a JSP or Freemark template (through its renderpath property) to provide the view and optionally references a  Java HST component class (through its componentclassname property) that implements the controller. If a component class is not provided, the component will use the default component class.

The diagram below will help understand how a page is typically configured in the Hippo repository.

Hippo CMS Page Composition

When a request that matches the sitemap item about.html it will be rendered as a textpage due to the hst:componentconfigurationid configured to reference hst:pages/textpage. The content that will be displayed in the rendered page is retrieved through the hst:relativecontentpath property. The hst:pages/textpage nodes models the structure of the webpage. The diagram above shows that the page reuses the hst:pages/standard page structure through the hst:referencecomponent property and references hst:component/content for its content child node.

The standard page is composed of an header and main child components and a template for rendering the view. The main component is further composed of a leftmenu and right child components and a template for rendering the view.

The child components that require some business logic such as header and leftmenu, again reference components under hst:components that specify the componentclassname that implements the logic and a template for the view. Similarly the content component also specifies its componentclassname that is responsible for retrieving its document from the repository and a template responsible for the view.

The configuration of templates is found under hst:templates where each template has a renderpath property that specifies the location of the JSP or Freemarker file.

This covers how the Hippo repository is typically configured to deliver modular web pages..

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Groovy Multimethods

One of the features of the Groovy language is multi-methods and how it differs from Java in the way it invokes methods. Java selects which methods to invoke based on the compile-time declared types of arguments. Groovy selects which methods to invoke based on the runtime types of the objects and arguments.

As an example, consider the following listing:

The x and y arguments are both of static (compile-time) type Object but x is of dynamic (runtime) type Integer and y is of dynamic type String. As a consequence, in Java both would dispatch to the same oracle(Object) method. However, in Groovy due to method dispatch being dynamic, the oracle(String) method is used when argument y is passed.

This has the benefit of avoiding duplicate code by being able to override more selective behaviour. Consider the following equals implementation that overrides Object's default equals method only for the argument type Point.

When an object of type Point is passed to the equals method, the specialized implementation is chosen. When an arbitrary object is passed, the default implementation of its superclass Object.equals is called. This gives the impression that equals(Point) is overriding equals(Object), which is impossible in Java. In Java, it would be necessary to check for null, check that argument is of the required Point type, cast the object to Point, and then perform the specific equals logic. This forces the developer to duplicate the logic of overriding equals for every custom type.